Spring is still far. I got visited small town at west side of Japan on early March.
Going home when I finished my task. I have capture with eyes the scene about shop with curious.
LEICA M6 VOIGTLANDER NOKTON F1.1 KODAK Profoto XL 100 '13/Mar/19 Aomori:Ajigasawa
Satoyama::Hard to translate word
"Satoyama" is human life environment based on mountain and forest nature. People seeds, and cut tree for stove, nature harvest from forest. Satoyama indicate that a area balanced by Human acting. Other mean conclude agricultural area and whole village.
LEICA M6 VOIGTLANDER Super Wide Heliar 15mm F4.5 KODAK Profoto XL 100 '13/Feb Omitama
I got research the word "Permaculture", Actual thing is in the progress, It is too tiny to discuss, Only I can watch a particular by founder himself abload. Historical pile is very thin.
LEICA M6 TELE-ELMARIT 90mm F2.8 KODAK Profoto XL 100 '13/Feb Omitama
Eight Views,
Night Views,
Permanent Agriculture and Culture::w/o agrichemical
what elements are in these common thing?
Agri, mono, sub, aqua, urbi, pisci, pomi, vermi, vini, api, seri, arbori, flori, horti, avi, silvi, counter.
Agriculture, monoculture, subculture, aquaculture, urbiculture, pisciculture, pomiculture, vermiculture, viniculture, apiculture, sericulture, arboriculture, floriculture, horticulture, aviculture, silviculture, counterculture.
Too many culture we have.
もうひとつ、cultureがつく言葉があります。それはパーマカルチャーです。 パーマカルチャーとはパーマネント(Permanent)とアグリカルチャー(Agriculture)、文化(culture)を合成した単語で、環境デザイン分野の用語だそうで。デザインの用語と聞くと軽薄な印象を呼び覚まします。環境負荷を低減させ、持続的な農業を指向した考え方だそうです。文字面しか知らないのでなんとも言えません。考え方や哲学を一つのワードで束ねることはよくありますが、このパーマカルチャーについても同じでしょう。どのように展開しているのか、どういった歴史があるのかを見ないと本質を捉える事は困難です。ここではパーマカルチャーについての考察を避け、ひとつのキーワードとしてだけ提示しておきます。だって知らないんだもん。下の表は、コンパニオンプランツ適合の一覧です。
More one word about culture with suffix is Permaculture. Permaculture is mixture word that word conpose with Permanent, Agriculture and Culture. I heard that it used to area for environment design. I think that word is very light impression because of using design area. Word representate to reduce environment impact, to orient sustainable agriculture. I can't say anyting about this word even more. Always philosophy about enable to understand used to bind to one word, this word Permaculture is same maybe. How do they act, How long have they act, What they have history, I can't have opinion about this movement because research in progress. Even a mesclun mix is a better than a monoculture.
This chart was created by IDEP(Indonesian Development of Education and Permaculture foundation)
what elements are in these common thing?
Agri, mono, sub, aqua, urbi, pisci, pomi, vermi, vini, api, seri, arbori, flori, horti, avi, silvi, counter.
Agriculture, monoculture, subculture, aquaculture, urbiculture, pisciculture, pomiculture, vermiculture, viniculture, apiculture, sericulture, arboriculture, floriculture, horticulture, aviculture, silviculture, counterculture.
Too many culture we have.
もうひとつ、cultureがつく言葉があります。それはパーマカルチャーです。 パーマカルチャーとはパーマネント(Permanent)とアグリカルチャー(Agriculture)、文化(culture)を合成した単語で、環境デザイン分野の用語だそうで。デザインの用語と聞くと軽薄な印象を呼び覚まします。環境負荷を低減させ、持続的な農業を指向した考え方だそうです。文字面しか知らないのでなんとも言えません。考え方や哲学を一つのワードで束ねることはよくありますが、このパーマカルチャーについても同じでしょう。どのように展開しているのか、どういった歴史があるのかを見ないと本質を捉える事は困難です。ここではパーマカルチャーについての考察を避け、ひとつのキーワードとしてだけ提示しておきます。だって知らないんだもん。下の表は、コンパニオンプランツ適合の一覧です。
More one word about culture with suffix is Permaculture. Permaculture is mixture word that word conpose with Permanent, Agriculture and Culture. I heard that it used to area for environment design. I think that word is very light impression because of using design area. Word representate to reduce environment impact, to orient sustainable agriculture. I can't say anyting about this word even more. Always philosophy about enable to understand used to bind to one word, this word Permaculture is same maybe. How do they act, How long have they act, What they have history, I can't have opinion about this movement because research in progress. Even a mesclun mix is a better than a monoculture.
This chart was created by IDEP(Indonesian Development of Education and Permaculture foundation)
Swirskii Mite::w/o agrichemical
"生物農薬"という単語を見ると、得体の知れない恐ろしい未知のウィルスを使った生物兵器のように思える人は普通の感覚です。しかしそれは刷り込みで、ここを読み進めるうちにリセットされるかもしれません。害虫をこの生物農薬に食べ尽くしてもらおうというのがこの"生物農薬"。この農薬、2008年に農林水産省に農薬登録が承認されました。名前をスワルスキーカブリダニと言います。オランダのコパート社が特許を保有しております。(http://www.koppert.com) 「このダニは地中海東岸に生息し、もともとイスラエル、イタリア、キプロスとエジプトに野生種が生息しています。」(オールアバウトスワルスキーのホームページより)
ホームページによるとスワルスキーカブリダニは、生物分類上は"ムチカブリダニ亜科"というカブリダニ科の一種のようですが"カタカブリダニ亜科"という分類でも公開されているかもしれません。生物学者は数あるダニの違いを見た目から判断しているとの事で、カブリダニ科としては間違いないようですが、ムチかカタかはあやふやなようです。 (ダニの生物分類)
Microbial pesticide, Biological agrochemicals
Do you know Swirskii Mite?. Swirskii mite is kind of agrochemical. But this isn't chemical material but living being. Also human being hates a mite because mite biting make us skin itch and bump. But Swirskii mite bring us increase yields. The Mite eats pest all of it. Swirskii mite was registerd in 2008 for Japan MAFF.
-- Amblyseius Swirskii is found in the wild in the eastern Mediterranean region, i.e. Israel, Italy, Cyprus and Egypt. The predatory mite is found there in crops like apples, vegetables and cotton. In Israel, A. swirskii is also frequently found in citrus crops. the name Amblyseius swirskii is always used to refer to this predatory mite. In publications, it may also be referred to as Typhlodromips swirskii. This is the same creature but with a different 'forename' (genus). Taxonomists differ in their views regarding the naming of this mite.--(from All About Swirskii)
Then, what Swirskii eats?. They eats thrips(Thysanoptera). Thrips called "Azami-Uma" in Japan. "Azami" means thistle and "Uma" means Horse. Thrips is looks like horse face, and allmost all they live in a thistle. Azami-Uma named Japanese children's play and tap thistle on hand with mantra like that --"Uma Ideyo!(Come on horse from inside thistle!)". Thistle blooms from April to October, You can see everywhere in Japan. Try to tap it with mantra "Uma-Ideyo!".
"生物農薬"という単語を見ると、得体の知れない恐ろしい未知のウィルスを使った生物兵器のように思える人は普通の感覚です。しかしそれは刷り込みで、ここを読み進めるうちにリセットされるかもしれません。害虫をこの生物農薬に食べ尽くしてもらおうというのがこの"生物農薬"。この農薬、2008年に農林水産省に農薬登録が承認されました。名前をスワルスキーカブリダニと言います。オランダのコパート社が特許を保有しております。(http://www.koppert.com) 「このダニは地中海東岸に生息し、もともとイスラエル、イタリア、キプロスとエジプトに野生種が生息しています。」(オールアバウトスワルスキーのホームページより)
ホームページによるとスワルスキーカブリダニは、生物分類上は"ムチカブリダニ亜科"というカブリダニ科の一種のようですが"カタカブリダニ亜科"という分類でも公開されているかもしれません。生物学者は数あるダニの違いを見た目から判断しているとの事で、カブリダニ科としては間違いないようですが、ムチかカタかはあやふやなようです。 (ダニの生物分類)
Microbial pesticide, Biological agrochemicals
Do you know Swirskii Mite?. Swirskii mite is kind of agrochemical. But this isn't chemical material but living being. Also human being hates a mite because mite biting make us skin itch and bump. But Swirskii mite bring us increase yields. The Mite eats pest all of it. Swirskii mite was registerd in 2008 for Japan MAFF.
-- Amblyseius Swirskii is found in the wild in the eastern Mediterranean region, i.e. Israel, Italy, Cyprus and Egypt. The predatory mite is found there in crops like apples, vegetables and cotton. In Israel, A. swirskii is also frequently found in citrus crops. the name Amblyseius swirskii is always used to refer to this predatory mite. In publications, it may also be referred to as Typhlodromips swirskii. This is the same creature but with a different 'forename' (genus). Taxonomists differ in their views regarding the naming of this mite.--(from All About Swirskii)
Then, what Swirskii eats?. They eats thrips(Thysanoptera). Thrips called "Azami-Uma" in Japan. "Azami" means thistle and "Uma" means Horse. Thrips is looks like horse face, and allmost all they live in a thistle. Azami-Uma named Japanese children's play and tap thistle on hand with mantra like that --"Uma Ideyo!(Come on horse from inside thistle!)". Thistle blooms from April to October, You can see everywhere in Japan. Try to tap it with mantra "Uma-Ideyo!".
投稿 (Atom)