what elements are in these common thing?
Agri, mono, sub, aqua, urbi, pisci, pomi, vermi, vini, api, seri, arbori, flori, horti, avi, silvi, counter.
Agriculture, monoculture, subculture, aquaculture, urbiculture, pisciculture, pomiculture, vermiculture, viniculture, apiculture, sericulture, arboriculture, floriculture, horticulture, aviculture, silviculture, counterculture.
Too many culture we have.
More one word about culture with suffix is Permaculture. Permaculture is mixture word that word conpose with Permanent, Agriculture and Culture. I heard that it used to area for environment design. I think that word is very light impression because of using design area. Word representate to reduce environment impact, to orient sustainable agriculture. I can't say anyting about this word even more. Always philosophy about enable to understand used to bind to one word, this word Permaculture is same maybe. How do they act, How long have they act, What they have history, I can't have opinion about this movement because research in progress. Even a mesclun mix is a better than a monoculture.
This chart was created by IDEP(Indonesian Development of Education and Permaculture foundation)