
Minami Soma, Fukushima Pref.

福島県 南相馬市

Sorry for poor English...
I crossed the city's boundary with Minami-Soma and Soma city. Go straight to the limit to find farmer's market.


In halfway, I found the train station. Station name is Kashima. Kashima Station exists, but train doesn't come at all. Seeing announcement on the wall, It says "In 12 March AM7, We can announce that the Great earthquake occured yesturday, Several sector of the train line is now checking whole things. We don't know How much costs time to recover"


I've arrived to brim of the World. Here is 20km distance from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant. There is the area that It is world of the PLUTO.


Dose rate shows 0.50μ㏜/h, It becomes 4.3m㏜/year, and adding on it internal exposure outputs 17.2m㏜/year. Every people are exposed by soil, air and drink a water. They exceeds ICRP's "Application of the Commission's Recommendations to the Protection of Individuals Living in Long Term Contaminated Areas After a Nuclear Accident or a Radiation Emergency"
