
Shin-chi Town, Fukushima Pref


Sorry for poor english...
How Nice Welsh onion isn't it! Japanese household always uses this long onion. It called "naga-negi". Naga means "long", negi means particular type of "onion". Japanese like it. It is long white, and looks softy. I found it at farmer's market. Buddhist and Hinduism both Nation prohibit to eat many type of onion. Samely in Muslim country. Allaah says that "Coming to the mosque after eating onions or garlic, or anything that has an offensive smell" to prohibit to eat before muslim pray.


This market locates north distance approximately 30km from boundary of the off limit area. Off limit area was prepared radioactive contamination of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant in prevent to exposure. Shin-chi Station of Japan Railway Company was smashed by tsunami, falling radioactive object was piled with fearful.


The market is small, It looks to build in cheap. But this farmer's market doesn't give up to distribute, they hung it there on any situation. The name of the market is "あぐりや" a-gu-ri-ya. "あぐり" picks up from agri-culture. "や" is symbol of a job, it means a shop.


Inside of this farmer's market is wide. And it is organized. A little shortage occured for stricken field and farmer. Only regret is effection of the Nuclear power plant.


This is managing director Mr.Ishida. He is former representative of this market, one of the member of founder. This is nice market because this organization doesn't depend local government and any, They controls management of this market by themselves. He welcomed me, told me many stories and history of this market. "I Don't Lose" he said.
