Oops. It's not PM2.5.
Feel warm til the day fefore.
The next day, cold front line invaded this area.
So warmed ground becomes foggy arounc.
Usually almost fog is used to clear by the sunrise,
but vast covering fog lasterd until noon.

Leica M6 Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F5.6 Kodak ProFoto XL 100 25/Jan'13
In Japanese, Fog has various name by different situation. Representatively called "Kiri" "Gasu" "Moya" "Tsuyu", and typical name by time and occation, "Yo-kiri" "Yo-tsuyu" "Asa-tsuyu" "Asa-moya" etc. Now these words are originary noun word, but ancient time in Japan, this word has conjugation, it worked as Verbal. "霧らう" "Ki-rau" means being fog situation.
Scientifically, Japanese "Kiri" and friends are all the same as "Fog".

Leica M6 Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F5.6 Kodak ProFoto XL 100 25/Jan'13