Unlike in always day,
Accumulated snow shows us invisible somebody's marking.
Like a moment stamp.
Footprints, chew tracks into snow, exist number of people.
Leica M6 Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm f5.6
Accumulated roof show us how much of snow fall.
Too many tiled roof is in this city and around.
The snow on tiled roof isn't good for house.
Iced on the roof because snow is not drop off.
Heavy roof becoming more heavy.
In heavy snowfall area, people don't use tiled roof because of a snow.
Leica M6 Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f1.1
Parking line banished.
I could slightly realize the line.
Leica M6 Voigtlander Nokton 50mm f1.1