ニョーボとふたりの娘 が自分の住んでいる部屋に「行きたい」って事で十和田からわざわざはるばる。
これこれお前ら、手を合わせるのが先でござんしょ? わーとかきゃーとか言ってないでほれほれ。んもー写真撮ってばかりいないでコラコラ。コラー!!
Year-crossing with my family.
My Wife and two daugters had come to my small room from Towada.
We sew the new year's Sun rising at the new place.

Leica M6 Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F5.6 Kodak ProFoto100
In Japanese, the Sun has been called various names as a Human like.
O-hi-sama,O-tentou-sama,Nichi-rin-sama and more.
"O" is prefix, it used to attach for polite prefix for things name,
O-mame-san mean beans, it is used only West Japan.
O-ka-san mean mother.
O-to-san mean father.
O-shisho-sama mean teacher of life.
"San" or "Sama" is suffix compellation.
Similar word is "Han". It is used only Kyoto and part of West Japan.
"Sama" or "San" means "Mr." or "Mrs.".
"San" is for same class, same age, closer relation like a family.
"Sama" is for the God or respecting elder person.
the Sun is not called "O-hi-san".
Because almost Japanese has special respection for the Sun.
Japanese Shin-to(type of animism) has many Gods, a part of member "Amateras" is symbol of the Sun.
In Buddism, A part of Most higher existance "Dai-nichi-nyorai(mahaavairocana)" is the Sun.
"Clap Clap"

Leica M6 Voigtlander Ultra Wide Heliar 12mm F5.6 Kodak ProFoto100