
* Radiation and Dining table

全国直売所研究会総会@中野サンプラザ 基調講演

We invited Mr.Takamitsu Kohzuma to our regular general meeging of the institute of All Japan Farmer's market (named Chokubaiken) in 2011/05/17. Mr.Kohzuma performed keynote speech with special report about "Radiation and Dining table". Mr.Kohzuma is professor of Ibaraki University, and he belongs to "Frontier Research center for Applied Atomic Sciences".


Our Chokubaiken campanies collaborates to the significant experiences for the University managed Sciences. The experience outputs amazing result about foods and agricultural work. This resolve is public but not announced widely, I couldn't explain on this blog because this is holded by both Prof.Kohzuma and Mizuho-no-Muraichiba. You are able to know if you join our organization (Chokubaiken). We are proud of this collaborations.


Simply speaking, technical method descend that it success to decrease radiation level. Prof.Kohzuma says that it is "Technical half-life". Well known half-life is physical half-life and biological half-life. Both half-life on a technical one decline effectively radiation level more lower. It is unofficial and not public until today's speech. Because Mizuho-no-muraichiba and farmer come up that prof.Kohzuma can stack a data. Prof.Kohzuma prepare to announce in conference for the Nuclear Society.
