
Tagajo City, Shichi-ga-hama town, Miyagi Pref.

宮城県 多賀城市、七ヶ浜町

Sorry for poor english...
The shop -Seven-Eleven Oshiro 5 Chome- locates Between Shichi-ga-hama town and Tagajo city. This store started to sell in disaster area with such farmar's market way. They stands a tent and distributed many product in a specific vihcles because former shop was attacked and broke down with the quake. Money checking registerd with handy terminals. I think that it is the most evolutional sales way.


"This selling way starts up from here". This selling way is brought to other area from here. It seems to farmer's market.


The marketing of the convenience store has 4 principles. One of the principle is "we must suite to needs rapidly". And proper buyers ordinarly choose products for "use or eat while 30 minites from point of parchase". This product line up is not "use/eat in 30 minites", but must be most needed product in this region.


Begin to rain, but they continued checking.